A KárpátHáló Egyesület belépett a belgiumi székhelyű « European Covenant on Demographic Change » elnevezésű nemzetközi nonprofit egyesületbe. Az egyesület a belga Royal Decree issued in accordance with Article 50 of the Law of 27 June 1921. törvény alapján a <Rue Froissart numéro 111 à Bruxelles (1040 Bruxelles)> címen került bejegyzésre.
Az egyesület, amely egy európai szövetség a népesedési átalakulásért, lényegében egy nyitott hálózat, amelynek tagjai lehetnek személyek, egyesületek, szövetségek, cégek, stb, mindazok akik egyetértenek az alapítói célokkal, és elfogadják az alapszabályt.
Idézet az alapító okiratból :
Article 5: Purpose
5.1 The Association shall pursue educational, scientific and philanthropic ends. Its main objective is to help the European Union to better respond to demographic change by allowing local, regional and national authorities and other stakeholders – who wish to work together to promote innovative solutions to adapt the living and working environments to the needs of the ageing population in Europe – to improve life expectancy in good health, create an inclusive society for all ages, and create new synergies between interested stakeholders and governance levels.
5.2 The Association aims in particular to:
enable cities and regions in Europe to commit to develop, implement and monitor measures reflecting the principles underlying the „Age-Friendly Cities and Communities” programme of the World Health Organization as an answer to the demographic challenges they face;
promote networking among its members; and
build synergies with existing initiatives such as the WHO Global Network of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities, the WHO European Healthy Cities Network, the 2013 Dublin Declaration on age-friendly Cities and the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing.
5.3 The Association is composed of local, regional or national public authorities, civil society organisations, research centres, universities, companies and other stakeholders.
In this context, the Association aims to:
Create a European network of public authorities and other stakeholders, supporting the same vision of a society for all ages as defined in the „2013 Dublin Declaration on Age-Friendly Cities and Communities in Europe”.
Promote a comprehensive and integrated approach to demographic change through the promotion of active and healthy ageing based on:
the 2013 Dublin Declaration on age-friendly Cities and Communities;
the World Health Organization methodology on age-friendly cities and communities;
the outcomes of the 2012 European Year of Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations; and
the objectives of the European Innovation Partnership for Active and Healthy Ageing.
Allow all members to share their experiences and support each other in their research on – and implementation of – innovative responses to demographic change at local, regional, national, European or international level;
Create synergies between its members’ initiatives and the processes and actions of the European Union, the World Health Organization and the Economic Commission for Europe of the United Nations (UN- ECE), to better support local, regional and national initiatives seeking to adapt the living and working environments to the needs of the ageing population;
Assist in particular local and regional actors to enrich the debates and initiatives taken by national and European decision-makers by contributing their grass-root experience in the field of active and healthy ageing and;
Foster open exchange between public authorities and civil society organisations at all levels, encouraging appropriate environments and spaces for such exchange.
5.4 The Association may cooperate with other local, regional, national, European and international organisations with common interests.
In addition, the Association maintains all necessary relationships to promote its objectives in particular with the European Union institutions, the WHO and any other institution or organisation which share its objectives.
To this end, the Association is registered on the EU Transparency Register.
5.5 The Association can undertake and execute all activities which are directly or indirectly related to its missions and objectives and can assign the execution of all activities or a part thereof to third parties (whether profit or not for profit making) who strive for similar objective(s).
A KárpátHáló Egyesület jelentkezését az ECDC elfogadta és alapító tagi státusszal tagjai sorába felvette. Az alapító jogú státuszunk kiemelten kedvező lehetőségeket biztosít számunkra a hálózati együttműködésben, amelynek segítségével bekapcsolódhatunk az európai szintű közös munkába és projekttevékenységekbe.
Egyesületünk részéről a kapcsolattartó Modláné Görgényi Ildikó alelnök asszony.
További információ letölthető a http://afeinnovnet.eu/the-networkhonlapról.
Dr. Madarász Sándor
elnök, KárpátHáló KESZ